Game Overlay helps get back some of the multi-tasking functionality lost when playing full-screen games.
It allows you view and interact with windows outside the game, but without "Alt-Tabbing" and requiring the game to reinitialize its graphics. It does this by actually rendering the window inside the game!
For example, it could be used in the following ways...
Keep up with the conversation...
Overlay your instant messenger and communication programs!
Know who's currently talking...
Overlay the GUI for external voice applications such as TeamSpeak or Ventrilo.
Never miss an incoming e-mail...
Overlay a semi-transparent e-mail client over the game!
Forget about writing down or printing cheat codes...
Simply copy and paste them into Notepad, then overlay it!
Keep one eye on your computer stats...
Run a utility in the background checking temperatures, download speeds, etc, then overlay it!
Game Overlay works with Direct3D, OpenGL, and DirectDraw games and applications.